Exploitation of Natural Resources
An ACTION plan that results in an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT must be made PIL, if the activity is:
Change of landform and / or landscape
Exploitation of natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable
Processes and activities that can potentially lead to waste, damage and deterioration in the use of natural resources
Processes and activities whose results can affect the social and cultural environment
Processes and activities whose results can affect the conservation of natural resources conservation areas and / or protection of cultural reserves
Introduction of plants, animals and microorganisms
Manufacture and use of biological and non-biological materials
The application of technology is estimated to have great potential to influence the environment.
AMDAL Reference Concept Framework
Applicable laws and regulations
Policy on the implementation of environmental management
Linkage of planned activities with possible significant impacts be inflicted
A description of the purpose and usefulness of the activity plan
Purpose and objectives
Study Area Boundaries
The environmental components studied
The activity plan must be reviewed for its impact
Amdal benefits
AMDAL is useful to guarantee a business or development activity to be environmentally feasible. With AMDAL, a business plan and / or development activity is expected to minimize the possibility of negative impacts on the environment, and develop positive impacts, so that natural resources can be utilized sustainably. The benefits of AMDAL are divided into several types, namely:
Benefits of AMDAL for the Government
Prevents pollution and also environmental damage.
Avoiding a conflict with the community.
Keeping the development in line with a principle of sustainable development.
Embodiment of government responsibilities in environmental management.
Can assist in determining appropriate policies in planning and decision making as well as improving the implementation of Environmental Management.
Benefits of Project Owner EIA
To protect the project from alleged violations.
To protect projects that violate applicable laws or PPs.
To see and solve environmental problems that will be faced in the future.
As a source of environmental information around the project site.
Benefits of AMDAL for capital owners
Banks as owners of capital always include an AMDAL every time they submit a loan request, in order to ensure the success and safety of the capital distributed.
Benefits of AMDAL for the Community
Knowing from the beginning the impact of the occurrence of an activity.
Implement and also exercise control.
Involved in a decision making process.
Can find out the development plans in the area.
Know the environmental changes in the period after the project starts
Know the rights and obligations in relation to the project.
Other uses
Use in the analysis and progress of science and technology.
Use in research.
The emergence of a good AMDAL consultant (Hanun, 2011).
Purpose of Environmental Impact Assessment
The main purpose of an AMDAL is to safeguard the potential impacts of a business plan or activity. The purpose of an AMDAL is to safeguard a business plan or activity so that it does not have a negative impact on the surrounding environment. The following are the objectives of AMDAL as a material for regional development planning
Assist a process in making decisions about an environmental feasibility of a business plan or activity
Provide input in the preparation of a detailed technical plan of the business plan or activity
Providing input in the formulation of management plans and environmental monitoring
Provide information to the community of the impacts arising from the existence of a business plan or activity
The first step is the recommendation of a business license
as a Scientific Document and also a Legal Document
as an Environmental Feasibility Permit.
Maintain and improve the quality of the environment and reduce pollution so that the negative impacts are as low as possible (Hanun, 2011).