Definition and Purpose of AMDAL

Definition and Purpose of AMDAL
AMDAL Is: Definition, Benefits, Objectives, Types, and Examples COMPLETE - AMDAL is a study of large and important impacts on the environment, made at the planning stage, and used for decision making.
Matters reviewed in the AMDAL process: physical-chemical, ecological, socio-economic, socio-cultural, and public health aspects as a complement to the feasibility study of a business plan and / or activity.

Definition of AMDAL
AMDAL is a study of large and important impacts for the decision making of a planned business and / or activity on the environment which is required for the decision making process regarding the conduct of a business and / or activity (Government Regulation No. 27 of 1999 concerning Environmental Impact Analysis).

AMDAL Objectives
Materials for regional development planning
Assist the decision making process regarding the environmental feasibility of the planned business and / or activity
Provide input for the preparation of detailed technical designs of business plans and / or activities
Provide input for the preparation of environmental management and monitoring plans
Providing information to the community on the impact caused by a business plan and / or activity
The parties involved in the AMDAL process are:
AMDAL Appraisal Commission, the commission in charge of evaluating AMDAL documents
Initiator, person or legal entity responsible for a business plan and / or activity to be carried out, and
community concerned, communities affected by all forms of decisions in the AMDAL process.
In its implementation, there are several things that must be considered, namely:
The determination of the AMDAL mandatory criteria, currently, World uses / applies a 1-step screening using a list of AMDAL compulsory activities (one step scoping by pre request list). A list of AMDAL mandatory activities can be seen in the Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 11/2006
If the activity is not listed in the regulation, it is required to prepare UKL-UPL, in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 86 of 2002
AMDAL Preparation uses AMDAL Preparation Guidelines in accordance with Permen LH NO. 08/2006
The authority of assessment is based on LH Permen no. 05/2008
In order for the AMDAL to be carried out effectively and to achieve the expected goals, supervision is linked to the licensing mechanism. Government regulations on AMDAL clearly state that

AMDAL is one of the licensing requirements, where decision makers must consider the results of an AMDAL study before granting a business / activity permit. AMDAL is used to make decisions about the operation / granting of business licenses and / or activities.

AMDAL History
Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) is the result of a study of the IMPACT of a planned activity on the environment, which is needed for the decision making process
Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) is a study of the major and significant impacts of a planned business and / or activity on the environment required for the decision making process regarding the conduct of businesses and / or activities in World.
This AMDAL is made when planning a project that is expected to have an impact on the surrounding environment. What is meant by the environment here is the Abiotic, Biotic, and Cultural aspects.
Starting from the United States, in 1969. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA 1969) was introduced as an instrument to control the impact of all sorts of activities that could damage environmental sustainability. The instrument is in the form of regulations. In subsequent developments, this regulation was adopted by many countries.