Solution of Social Inequality in the World
World is a big country and one of the countries that has many islands and is located far apart. Social inequality is very likely to occur in the World because many remote areas are isolated from the crowd. And the World is a country whose level of corruption is very high, in the world the World is included in the top 5 most corrupt countries. Actually the World is able to become a developed country and a country that is able to improve the welfare of its people.
Because World has very rich and abundant natural resources, but why is there still a very striking social gap. This is a big question that needs an answer and a bright spot. In this case it is the task of the current government, how to improve the welfare of society and minimize social inequality. Many things can be done by the government to improve the welfare of the community and solving social inequalities that occur in society.
Efforts must be made by the government to solve the problem of social inequality that occurs in the World:
Minimizing (KKN) and eradicating corruption in an effort to improve people's welfare. The government has formed an institution tasked with eradicating (KKN) in the World. World has begun to improve itself but in some cases the KPK corruption case is still considered to be selective in cracking down on corruption. For example, the case of Century Bank has not found a bright spot and seems to end the case. The government must always improve itself because by minimizing (KKN) what happens is able to improve the welfare of the community with existing funds.
Improve the justice system in the World and conduct strict supervision of the legal mafia.
In terms of education must take precedence.
Opening jobs so there is no unemployment.
Eradicate corruption so that no more corruption.
Improve a justice system in the World and conduct close supervision of the judicial mafia. so that those who have power are not arbitrary with the people.
There are still many mafia legal rampants in the World that increasingly make social inequality in the World more prominent. The current justice is very difficult to enforce how not! A corrupt person is detained but all facilities are sufficient in the detention room. Meanwhile, what about the fate of a small community that only steals chickens, for example, they do whatever they want, sometimes they torture with inhumanity. This really shows the social gap in the world that is very striking between the rich or those who have power between the poor or the poor.
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