Social Inequality As a Social Problem

Social Inequality As a Social Problem
Employment has a very large influence on the community's economy, while the economy is a factor in the occurrence of social inequality. The narrowness of employment in the World makes huge unemployment in the World and is a job for the current government.
Social inequality is a state of social imbalance in society that makes a very striking difference. In terms of social inequality it is very striking from various aspects, for example in the aspect of justice can occur. Between the rich and the poor are very distinguished in any aspect, the villagers who migrate in the city are also affected by this, it is true to say that "The rich get richer, the poor get poorer". This ignorance of others is due to the gap that is too striking between the "rich" and the "poor". Many rich people look down on the lower classes, especially if he is poor and also dirty, let alone helping, just watching even they are reluctant.
Social inequalities occur due to several things, namely:
a. Poverty
According to Lewis (1983), a culture of poverty can manifest in various ways
historical context, but more inclined to grow and develop within
a society that has a set of conditions:
The economic system of money, wage labor and the production system for profits remains a high level of unemployment and underemployment for unskilled labor

Low labor costs
The failure of low-income groups to increase social, economic and political organizations voluntarily and on government initiatives
The bilateral family system is more prominent than the unilateral system, and
The strength of a set of values in the ruling class that emphasizes the accumulation of wealth and the possibility of vertical mobility, and the attitude of frugality, as well as the assumption that the low economic status as a result of personal inability or indeed basically low position.
Culture of poverty is not only an adaptation to a set of objective conditions of the wider community, once the culture has grown, it tends to perpetuate itself from generation to generation through its influence on children. Culture of poverty tends to develop when economic and social systems are broken down or replaced, Culture of poverty is also a result of colonialism ie indigenous economic and social structures are broken down, while the status of indigenous groups is maintained low, it can also grow in the process of tribal abolition. The culture of poverty tends to be owned by the community as well as lower social, isolated communities, and victims who come from landless agricultural laborers.
According to Parker Seymour and Robert J. Kleiner (1983) the formulation of a culture of poverty includes the understanding that everyone involved in the situation has low aspirations as a form of realistic adaptation.

Some characteristics of poverty culture are:
Low level of aspiration,
Low willingness to chase the target,
Not seeing personal progress,
Feelings of helplessness / incompetence,
Feelings to always fail,
The feeling of judging one's self negatively,
Choices as a manual worker position, and
Pathetic compromise level.